Peek-a-boo: 18 most haunted places in Melbourne
Fan of ghosts, ghouls and things that go bump in the night? Well, you’ve come to the right city. A place with a history as rich as Melbourne is bound to have a spooky story or two. Discover the most haunted places in Melbourne, some of which are open for visits and ghost tours.

From beautiful homesteads to well-known landmarks, Melbourne has no shortage of haunted places.
Learn about spectral sightings, gruesome gaols and an overall eerie history.
Jump on a guided ghost tour to find out more, or self-explore most of Melbourne’s haunted places. Perfect for exploring during a Melbourne winter.
Read on to find out more and visit, if you dare…
The most haunted places in Melbourne
1. Old Melbourne Gaol
Victoria has its share of heritage gaols, but Melbourne’s is the oldest and one of the creepiest.
Best known as the site where famed bushranger Ned Kelly faced the hangman’s noose, this bluestone prison now operates as a museum.
Wander its cells and hallways by day.
Alternatively, brave a ghost tour of Old Melbourne Gaol at night.
2. Pentridge Prison
Operating from 1851 to as recently as 1997, Melbourne’s other notorious gaol has seen the likes of Mark ‘Chopper’ Read and members of the Kelly Gang grace its walls.
Pentridge is best known for being the site of the last execution in Australia, when Ronald Ryan was hanged in 1967.
While aspects of the prison have been retained (such as the castle-like bluestone facade), the site has been developed. You can now visit Pentridge to do your shopping, see a film and there are even apartments on site.
Spooky sightings have been reported within its walls. Get ghost busting on a guided tour.
This could also make for an incredibly quirky date in Melbourne.
3. Queen Victoria Market
Did you know this popular market is one of the most haunted places in Melbourne?
People wander its stalls, not knowing that the site contains around 9000 bodies that were never exhumed, due to the land previously being part of the Old Melbourne Gaol.
The graves of both convicts and Indigenous peoples are said to be here.
The best place for ghostly exploration is apparently around the fruit section, at night.
4. Melbourne General Cemetery
It’s probably not that surprising to find a cemetery on a list of Melbourne’s most haunted places.
Plenty of notable past Melbourne personalities are buried at the city’s biggest cemetery.
Wandering around this park-like place, you’ll find the graves of ‘explorers’ Burke and Wills, Madame Brussels, Sir Robert Menzies and Frederick Blake, aka Fredrici, who haunts the Princess Theatre (more on that soon).
There’s even a memorial grave for rocker Elvis Presley, despite the fact the King never toured down under. Just a kooky fact about Melbourne for you there.
Pre-COVID, night tours were conducted within the cemetery throughout the warmer months.
At this point in time, these don’t seem to have returned, but you can always head to the cemetery to explore it for yourself.
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5. Luna Park
Both Sydney and Melbourne’s Luna Parks have a somewhat checkered past, of varying degrees.
Sydney’s theme park is the site of a devastating fire in the 1970s, which killed seven people, six of whom were children.
Melbourne’s ghostly story is less gruesome and tragic, more mysterious.
‘Joker Ghost’ is an apparition who appears on the Scenic Railway and ferris wheel.
No one’s sure who he is, or of the story behind him, but he’s a thrilling addition to any ride.
6. Flinders Street Station
Melbourne’s largest and most ornate train station opened in 1854. It’s generally a bit creepy and there is at least one ghost haunting its platforms.
Late at night, on platform 10, you may spot a man, holding a fishing rod, looking confused and walking to the riverbank.
You blink. He’s gone.
Apparently his name is George.
Somewhat equally eerie is the abandoned ballroom above the station, which sat in ruins for decades.
It was closed off to the public from 1983, but recently reopened as an art space. It first housed an exhibition by artist of Skywhale fame Patricia Piccinini. Local street artist Rone is the latest to transform the area.
7. Hosier Lane
Another one of Melbourne’s top tourist sites is also one of its most haunted places.
Hosier Lane, best known for its vibrant street art, is also said to be haunted by 19th-century murderer Frederick Bailey Deeming. A possible contender for Jack the Ripper, Deeming was hung at Melbourne Gaol in 1892.
Those passing through the laneway at night have experienced hands around their neck, particularly men, for whatever reason.
Discover the top places for street art in Melbourne.
8. The Princess Theatre
One of the grand dames of Melbourne’s historic theatres, the Princess Theatre is said to be haunted by an actor who refused to leave after last curtain call.
London-born actor Fredrick Baker or ‘Fredrici’ as he later styled himself, played Méphistophélès – The Devil, in ‘Faust’. Opening night was March 1888 and the theatre was packed full.
During the conclusion of the play, Fredrici was lowered through a trapdoor in the floor, to the applause of the audience.
He was hit by a heart attack and collapsed. He died almost instantly, at the age of 37.
In the confusion of the play’s conclusion, none of the cast knew what had befallen Fredrici.. They went back onstage to take their bows, later swearing that he had been present alongside them for the curtain call.
Since then, workers and actors have experienced strange things within the theatre.
Unexplained goosebumps, lights flashing on and off. Some have even reported sightings of a good looking man in 1880’s dress, sometimes sitting in a chair in the dress circle, watching performances.
The theatre’s bistro is named after the enigmatic ghost, and a seat reserved for him on opening night of each new performance.
It’s considered to be a good omen if he shows up.
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9. The Hotel Windsor
Just up from the theatre is one of the most haunted hotels in Melbourne.
Famous Australian soprano Dame Nellie Melba is one of the many stars to have stayed at this iconic Melbourne hotel. Apparently, her singing can still be heard in the corridors.
Why not make a night of it? Stay at the Hotel Windsor, catch a show at the Princess Theatre and see how many spooks cross your path.
10. Willsmere/Kew Mental Asylum
This former psychiatric hospital is located in what is now one of Melbourne’s most well-to-do suburbs.
One of the largest asylums ever built in Australia, Kew was built to house the people that Victorian society largely didn’t want to deal with. Patients were diagnosed with ‘idiocy’ and ‘melancholia’, were drunks or sufferers of epilepsy.
It housed less dangerous patients than Victoria’s other big asylums in Ararat and Beechworth, often in appalling conditions, until its closure in December 1988.
The complex is now known as Willsmere and has been developed into apartments, with the facade retained.
Reports from residents include tapping on walls, screams, doors opening on their own, banging, running footsteps and occasionally, figures sighted in rooms.
Not sure why people are keen to live in one of the most haunted places in Melbourne, but there you go.
11. Abbotsford Convent
Abbotsford Convent is lovely today. There’s markets, gardens, artists studios, cafes and even an urban farm nearby.
Previously however, the convent was an asylum for wayward girls, who many now say haunt its corridors.
To learn more or sight a spook yourself, keep an eye out for tours.
You can also listen to The Abbotsford Mysteries podcast, which explores the lives of the girls who lived in the convent from 1863 – 1975.
12. The Mitre Tavern
This is believed to be Melbourne’s first and so, oldest pub. If you come after dark, you may see a spirit of a different kind.
Firmly entrenched in the city’s history, the tavern is said to be haunted by the ghost of Connie Waugh, mistress to Sir Rupert Clark.
Her ghost has been spotted near the top balcony of the pub.
So, pull up for a pint and tap into a few of the old pub’s secrets.
13. Young & Jackson Hotel
Another one of Melbourne’s old pubs is said to be the site where several women (quite possibly sex workers) were murdered.
The pub is now apparently haunted by a beautiful woman who lingers out its front doors.
Apparently she is prone to raising her neck – a slick slit reveals just how she met her grisly end.
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14. Williamstown
Melbourne’s first port colony is steeped in history.
The naughty were driven to this nautical town, with sailors, publicans and ‘ladies of the night’ descending on the town.
Williamstown has consequently been for a hotspot for hauntings – from within its colonial buildings to, unsurprisingly, places like the local morgue.
Join an expert guide as they paint a picture of Williamtown’s illicit past.
15. Altona Homestead
This 1840s property once housed the Langhorne family, one member of whom refuses to move on.
Sarah Langhorne passed away in 1871, but can still be seen at the windows of the house.
Head to the homestead for a Devonshire tea, or jump on a monthly ghost tour.
16. Como House
The Italianate architectural style was popular in nineteenth century Melbourne. This mansion, built in 1847, is a wonderful example of this elegant style.
Touring through this magnificent home, you’d wonder why anyone would want to move on from such a place.
Caroline Armytage, one of the previous owners, certainly must have seen things this way, as by all reports, she never left.
The Armytages consisted of Caroline, her husband Charles and their ten children.
Caroline died in a bedroom upstairs and continues to make appearances, along with her daughter Ethel.
Tour the mansion to find out more.
Did you know Melbourne has a castle? Find out more about Overnewton Castle in Keilor.
17. Point Cook Homestead
Inhabited by the Chirnside family in the 1850s, this sprawling homestead is located at the end of an isolated road.
The place is said to be haunted by Thomas Chirnside, among other spooky figures.
Jump on a tour to experience the phenomenon for yourself.
18. Black Rock House
This holiday house was built in 1856 by Victoria’s first Auditor-General, Charles Hotson Ebden.
Intended as a holiday home, it comes complete with a castle wall and dramatic Moreton Bay Figs. As you do.
This beautiful old homestead runs regular paranormal and ghost tours. Check their Facebook page for dates and information.
Scary things to do in Melbourne
Short on time, but gagging to go ghostbustin’ in Melbourne?
Here’s a recommended spooky Melbourne itinerary:
- visit Queen Victoria Market
- pop into Old Melbourne Gaol
- see a show at the Princess Theatre
- stay at the Hotel Windsor
- tour hidden bars and hear creepy tales.
Check out my 7 day guide to Melbourne for more trip ideas.
And for more on Australia, see my Australia Travel Guide.
So there you have it – reportedly, the most haunted places in Melbourne, definitely not a list to say boo to. Have you visited any of these scary sites and witnessed any peculiar or paranormal going ons?