Exterior of the State Grand Mosque at night. Ramadan in Qatar – it's an interesting time to be living in or visiting Qatar, especially as a non-Muslim. Learn do's and don'ts for living in or visiting Doha during Ramadan.
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Ramadan in Qatar: What’s it like for expats & travellers?

Ramadan in Qatar – it’s an interesting time to be living in or visiting Qatar, especially as a non-Muslim. Learn do’s and don’ts for living in or visiting Doha during Ramadan. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. During this time, Muslims around the world fast from dawn to dusk for a…

Why We Do It

Why We Do It

For the last few mornings, I have woken to the indignant clucking of my mother’s chickens. My bedroom at home is adjacent to their coop and they are creatures who rise with the sun. If they have not been released into their enclosure by at least seven in the morning, they have no qualms in…